Monday, October 13, 2003

Procrastination Technique #3589
Let me start by apologizing. It's past 9:00 pm and I am just sitting down to work on my dissertation (and I haven't even started because I am writing this instead). Not good. Not a productive day.

Woke up with a bad headache (not a migrane Radmila, but painful nonetheless) that got worse as the morning progressed. I spent the morning trying to figure out my future should I finish this dissertation. That definitely did not help in the headache department.

For lunch I finally met up with the student I am mentoring. Nice kid. I was going to take him to a nice pizza place on Federal Hill (the Italian neighborhood of Providence). I totally forgot that it was Columbus/Colombo/Colón Day today and there is a big festival up there. There was absolutely nowhere to park. Nowhere where you did not have to pay an arm and a leg. So I took him to a Guatemalan restaurant that is in the next neighborhood over.

Luckily, by the time that was over the multiple Advils I had taken began to work their magic.

In the afternoon I met with one of my professors to talk about the previously mentioned future. I like this professor because he is realistic and a straight-shooter. He told me the future looks tough. He has before and he will again. Had I still had a headache, this would not have helped.

Came back home drained. I wanted to muster up the energy to work, but feeling the headache coming back, took more Advil and plopped down on our futon until the question of dinner came up. After flip-flopping about whether we should go out, the verdict finally arrived to stay in. But we did not have what we wanted. So off I went to the store and got what we wanted.

After dinner it was time to collect the household trash and recycables and take them out. Sunday night is usually trash night, but today was the previously mentioned Columbus/Colombo/Colón Day, so trash night is posponed until Monday night. By the time that was done, I collapsed in front of the television that was beginning to broadcast the lovely wife's beloved Red Sox game. Watched the first few, boring innings before gathering up the will to come into my office and begin working.

That is when I discovered and employed Procrastination Technique #3589: write about your boring day and bore other readers as well. So I apologize for having bored you and wasted your time for my own selfish procrastination.

I must have a smidgen of productivity somewhere in my body. I am off to look for it and put it to use before it expires.

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