Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Puerto Rico Dreamin'
This jumping back into real life business has drained me. I am so tired.

Please, could someone tell me where did autumn go? You leave for the Caribbean for a few days and the seasons go and change on you. The weather people on tv are talking about snow! Usually I would chalk it up to sensationalism, but when I went outside this evening to get take out for dinner, the air had that *snowy* feel to it. We had to bring all our peppers and herbs in from our porch garden just in case it freezes tonight.


Just a few days ago I was basking in the sun on a beach where it was 88 degrees and the sea was as warm as bath water.

I know I am not going to get much sympathy, but I am going to fret nonetheless.

You know what has me bummed out more than anything? The darkness. And it is going to get worse. We change back to the wretched Standard Time this weekend.

Yes, I am tired...and cranky...and I guess I will stop writing before this gets out of hand...

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