Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sara's Feet

Sara's Feet

People have been clamoring to see the recent artistic addition to Sara's feet. So without further ado:

The recent addition is the map and compass, which is still a work in progress (there will be color added to it sometime in the future). The tiguana (a mix between a tiger and an iguana - I know it is hard to see) was added in July, while the centipede (note the capsaicin molecule on its back) was added in March. The snake was the first inhabitant of the feet, arriving when Sara lived in New Mexico - a long, long time ago.

As you can see, the artist is quite talented - one of Boston's best (if not the best). Hence, the wait to have him work on you is about four months long. He is fond of Sara because she asks for interesting and unconventional work.

If you have any questions, you can ask Sara. Posted by Picasa

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