Thursday, July 15, 2004

Tired, Cansado, Stanco, M:ude, Fatigue...
In any get the point.
I like these new editing features Blogger has.  Now if I could only figure out how to get the umlaut above the u.  Hmmmm....
Now I have forgotten what I was going to write. 
Word to the wise: Don't try to teach a summer intensive course while you wife is taking intensive summer school in a city that is an hour's drive away and you both need to pack to move to different cities.  I am sure not many people are facing such circumstances. 
The course I am teaching is over tomorrow.  Thankfully.  I love teaching, but there is just too much going on right now for me to be focused and enthusiastic about it. 
The dog is with me.  He is dreaming; he is twitching and snarling.  I sure hope he gets that squirrel this time.  I think the dream is over.  No wait, there is a kick.  Why am I writing about the dog's dream? 
I need to get to bed soon. 
I have been meaning to write more here.  I am disturbed about the plan that may be put into place that would delay the election in the case of a terrorist attack.  That story was out for a few days and then it disappeared, which is equally disturbing.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  Or perhaps I am just paranoid?  It seems to be going around in different guises as of late. 
Damn!  I just reached to get a drink of water, but my water cup is empty.  I sure could have used some thirst quenching refreshment right now.  It was not meant to be. 
I got my paycheck today for the course I am teaching (not without having to track it down and a long paper chase).  Who is this damn FICA and why does she keep taking my money?  Somehow, after I graduated, the university wiped all records of me from its system (hence part of the paper chase today), and it put me back into the highest tax braket possible again.  Thus a huge chunk of my paycheck also went to pay Federal and State taxes.  Maybe I will become a Republican now.  Probably not.  Been there, done that.  Ah those youthful indiscretions...!
I need to stop writing those party names.  Since I started I have been getting party propaganda on my ad banner on the top.  I hate party propaganda. 
Speaking of parties (or Parties).  I tried to get movers to move our stuff to our new apartment in Boston.  Of course I was hoping to do this towards the end of the month.  A certain political party is having its party up there at the end of this month, however.  As a result, no moving company is going anywhere near the city.  Yes, I can imagine big trucks will be undergoing  a lot of scrutiny up there over the next couple of weeks.  They are even shutting down the freeway and one of the main subway stations.  I just wish they had consulted with us with regard to our moving plans before they planned all of this. 
Now I have had to beg our landlord to let us stay a few more days until we can clear out the city of Boston and we can hire some movers to take our stuff up there.  So far the landlord jury is out.  I guess we can be squatters for a couple of days.  Hmmm...
Over the next couple of months, posts will be erratic, infrequent, and utterly nonsensical.  Just thought I would warn you. 

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