Saturday, April 03, 2004

Spent most of today grading exams. I hate grading. Some of the grading was straight forward: multiple choice, short answer, etc. There were essays too, though. Some of that grading is so arbitrary...

I am just happy that I am giving out the grades instead of receiving them. Some of the students are not going to be happy with their grades and they are certainly going to come and complain. Fortunately, those that got low essay grades also got low multiple choice scores too.

I will bring in brownies or cookies when I hand back the exams. Sweeten the experience up a little.

In other words, bribe them into complacency.

So much more to do, but my brain is done for today.

And we lose an hour tonight. Rats! I need that hour. Can I keep it and give it back sometime after graduation?

I do like having more daylight, but it also makes me relax and before I know it, it is really late.

Actually, I will be happy just to see the sun again. It has been a while...

A friend just heard that she got a grant to do fieldwork in Normandy. That's great news because she really has a good project and deserved to get funding to do it. But it is even better because Sara and I can now start planning out trip to go visit her. I love the cider there...mmmmm....

Yes, it all comes back to food with me.

Hmmm...maybe I will go get a snack....

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