Tuesday, April 06, 2004

You know you need some rest (and probably some psychiatric help) when...

Last night, after a particularly long and stressful day, Sara and I were spending some "us" time in our living room. We were sprawled out making small talk. I think we were talking about using the word Xoloitzquintle in Scrabble (tm). I said that you could score a lot of points because it had an x, a q, and a z. Sara said you could not use it because it wasn't an English word. We then went on to discuss the letter Q in the game and how it had the letter u attached to it since there are no words that had a Q without the u.

Yes, this is what brilliant minds talk about at midnight after long stressful days. Now you know.

I said you could do QANTAS, the Australian national airline.

Sara: No you can't.
X: Sure, why not?
S: Well, then, why don't you just throw the tiles up in the air and see what lands?
X: You could get a monkey...
S: Where?
X: [Giggles]
S: Wha...[giggles]
S & X: [Uncontrolable laughter]
X: [laughs until tears roll down his cheek and his stomach hurts]
X: [Giggles]...You could get it at the zoo...
More laughter...

Now neither of us really know why that was so funny...but we needed that laugh. And we needed to get some sleep...at the very least.


...sleep does not guarantee that your state of mental health will be restored. I recently dreamt that I was going to teach. I had to give students back their exams, papers, and other assignments. I was late and in a hurry. To carry all the stuff I had to give back, I put it in a shopping cart. So I was wheeling this shopping cart across some kind of campus (it was not the campus of my university here). Someone had vomitted on the path to the building I was going to and I did not want to roll my shopping cart through the puddle of vomit. When I finally got to class, I was stressed and got all muddled up with all the things I had to give back. Something bad was about to happen and...

...the dog jumped on the bed and licked my face, waking me up.

Am I losing it? No. I lost it a long time ago.

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