Sunday, March 07, 2004

Monks and Devils

You come across the strangest things when you are channel surfing. We only get the very basic cable: local television channels, all the home shopping channels, local access channels, and our one bonus is the Discovery Channel. To get from the Discovery Channel to the local networks you need to go through numerous local access channels as you surf.

One of the local access channels is some sort of local Catholic television. This usually airs some priest giving mass, nuns signing or praying, or the inside of some church somewhere. As I passed by the channel during a recent surfing episode, Sara and I caught a glimpse of a monk's talk show.

The monk was old, was wearing a gray robe, and had a long flowing white beard. The phrase we heard during the few seconds I stopped on the channels was, "Now I am going to play the devil's advocate..." [Flip]

I had to pause. Sara just looked at each other and then started laughing...It is not a phrase you expect a monk to say.

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