Tuesday, August 19, 2003

100 Things About Me (Episode 6: # 32-50):

32. I used to collect sand from different beaches (and other sandy spots too). I should start that collection up again.

33. I have been to 26 countries on three continents.

34. I love to cook.

35. I love to eat more than I love to cook.

36. Cold, gray, rainy days depress me.

37. I have no tattoos. Never wanted one.

38. No body piercings either. Never wanted them either.

39. I love watching soccer, especially the World Cup. I used to love playing as well, but I am too out of shape now.

40. Not having found organized religion inspiring; I have constructed my own theology and spirituality.

41. I do occasionally attend the Unitarian-Universalist Church, and I probably would call myself one.

42. I love to cuddle, snuggle, and just be close to my wife.

43. Until I was 13, the only music I listened to was classical and jazz.

44. I want to live by the ocean or by some mountains. Best-case scenario: by some mountains that are by the ocean.

45. Despite the Latin rhythm that burns inside of me I can’t dance for the life of me.

46. Crossing the International Date Line really screws me up. Worse jet lag I ever had was coming back from Hong Kong.

47. I used to be a Republican. I am not one any more and I haven’t been one for a while.

48. I have never been a Democrat, but I usually vote for them.

49. I have been to Carnival in Venice. I am glad I went, but I never want to go again.

50. If I never make it to Mardi Gras in New Orleans before I die, I won’t be disappointed. I don't particularly like drunken pandamonium and debauchery.

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