Monday, August 04, 2003

The heat and humidity continue. It is so humid outside that anytime I exit an airconditioned place my glasses fog up. Having grown up in a very dry climate, I find this weather oppressive. Thankfully there is a/c. I read somewhere that a/c was one of the most influential inventions of the 20th century. It claimed that a/c has allowed the development of areas of the world that would otherwise be very difficult to inhabit. It also has allowed the movement and storage of foods.

I am thankful for the a/c in my home. I would not be able to sleep at night otherwise. I have lived in Italy several times and summers there were extremely difficult. Many nights I would sit in bed drenched in sweat wondering why I was there. It is not the romantic image most people hold of Italy.

I have not gone sailing recently. No wind and the threat of lightning has kept me ashore. I miss it.

I need to figure out what I am going to do when I grow up....

I am tired of being is my wife. Our dog doesn't seem to have an opinion. As long as he gets fed and walked, he is happy.

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