Thursday, August 28, 2003

Quitin' the Quizes

Now that I am fully aware of the person that I never knew I was thanks to the multiple quizes I have taken over the past few days, I will refrain from taking any more. Ok, if there is one that looks like fun maybe I will take it, but this needs to stop. I discovered some of the most inane things through the magical journey. Quizes to determine what type of sex porn star you are, what kind of condom you are, what item of clothing best describes you, and on and on. Some people just have too much free time on their hands and help those of us who don't to fall in a destructive cycle of procrastination. I also believe in taking resposibility in one's own actions and I am breaking the cycle, so I say "Enough!"

Maybe there is a 12 step program I can join.

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