Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Funny Dog

Ok, now for something light-hearted since my previous two posts were rather depressing.

Today my wife and I were sitting in my office discussing film characters that have mental illnesses. During this conversation our dog was laying on the floor next to us, seemingly sleeping. I mentioned that I thought most of these characters seemed to be men. My wife replied that there have been many instances where there have been females. I asked her to give some examples. In her list, she mentioned “The woman who boiled the rabbit.” As soon as those words left her mouth our dog’s tail started wagging vigorously, although he nonchalantly remained stretched out on the floor. Yes, it was almost dinnertime and while bunny soup seemed to be an appetizing menu choice for him, it was important for him to continue to look cool and not jump around like an uncontrollable puppy.

Alas he got Science Diet kibble like every other evening.

Poor dog.

We got a laugh from it though. It reminds me of that Far-Side cartoon: “Why dogs can’t play poker.”

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