Monday, September 08, 2003

Political Thoughts:

How informative and reassuring was Bush's speech last night? I don't know both my wife and I fell asleep while he was gushing rhetoric.

Arnold, in reacting to Davis off-hand comment that someone should not be governor of a state whose name he cannot pronounce, replied, "Lost jobs is a word Davis does not like. Another word he does not like is energy crisis." While I think Davis' comment was not appropriate because I don't think we should make fun of people on the way they speak, maybe Arnold should also learn English better, seeing that he is advocating making it the official language. In English we don't compound two nouns into one like in German.

In reading Stanton's book about Buddy - the mayor of Providence, it becomes even more clear to me how screwed up, corrupt, and nepotistic politics are in Rhode Island.

Enough cynicism for one day...

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